Comox Valley Food Policy Council
LUSH Valley is being supported by the Comox Valley Regional District to create a regional Food Policy Council.
In October 2020, the CVFPC had its inaugural meeting initiated and coordinated by LUSH Valley Food Action Society. Read about the CVRD’s motion here.
The CVFPC is:
1. Guided by its own Terms of Reference (TOR) that outline specific details for composition, membership and governance of the council.
2. Supported in principle by the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) and has appointed representatives from all four municipal and regional governments.
3. A hybrid of civil society organizations and government — not an official committee of the CVRD — with significant linkages to local government via departments and government staff, with financial support from a mix of sources.
On-Going Priorities:
1. Supporting a regional agricultural area and food security plan process as needed;
2. Supporting other Official Community Plans (OCP), Regional Growth Strategies (RGS), plus municipal and regional planning processes (in 2020, we are supporting the Courtenay OCP process);
3. Acting as an advisory board for local government and others.
Specific Priorities for 2020:
1. Advocate for local food procurement policy for institutions and organizations;
2. Support planning and actions that minimizes food waste;
3. Increase local food literacy;
4. Support the planning and/or development of a regional food hub.
What is a Food Policy Council?
The following video, out of North Carolina, is specific to its region and also gives us a great example of an engaged Food Council and what it can do for its community. Watch here.