The goal of the Comox Valley Food Policy Council (CVFPC) is to provide a forum for advocacy and policy development that works towards the creation of a food system that is ecologically sustainable, economically viable and socially just. The CVFPC is coordinated by LUSH Valley Food Action Society with financial support from the Comox Valley Regional District. The inaugural meeting was held in October, 2020. Read about the Terms of Reference here.
- Guided by its own Terms of Reference that outline specific details for composition, membership, and governance of council.
- Supported in principle by the CVRD; includes appointed representatives from all four municipal and regional governments.
- A hybrid of civil society organizations and government representatives—not an official committee of the CVRD—receiving financial support from a variety of sources.
- Supporting the development and implementation of a regional Agricultural and Food Security Area Plan.
- Supporting other Official Community Plans, the Regional Growth Strategy, and municipal and regional planning processes.
- Acting as an advisory board for local government and others seeking information and support on food policy development, engagement, and implementation.
- Emergency Preparedness: Supporting local emergency preparedness in relation to food security with a focus on resilient supply chains and food economies.
- Ecosystem Resilience: Bringing a food-systems lens to drought-planning and supporting policies that advance water sustainability, climate resilience and ecosystem health.
- School Food: Supporting access to healthy, local, culturally-appropriate school food and food-systems education.
- Food Access and Agency: Supporting food access with a focus on household food security, poverty reduction and Indigenous food sovereignty.
What is a Food Policy Council?
A Food Policy Council is a group comprised of individuals from across a region’s food system. The primary goal of many Food Policy Councils is to examine the operation of a local food system and provide ideas and policy recommendations for how it can be improved.
Learn more
View our Terms of Reference, 2023-24 Annual Report, and ‘About Us’
Get involved
Complete an Expression of Interest to apply to join the Council