Hundreds of fresh, nutritious meals are delivered to the doorsteps of isolated individuals across the Comox Valley every week.

Meals are created by LUSH Valley staff and volunteers, then delivered by volunteer drivers from our partner organizations.

Recipes change week-to-week, and always incorporate a variety of locally-grown ingredients and locally-sourced protein.

Partners of the Hot Meal program include:


  • Community Cares Peer Outreach
  • Comox Valley Affordable Housing Society
  • Comox Valley Head Injury Society
  • Comox Valley Senior Support Society
  • Comox Valley Transition Society — Connect Warming Centre
  • Hornby & Denman Community Health Care — Better at Home
  • K’ómoks First Nation

“I’m severely disabled and isolated and when I had troubles accessing food, this was a great help! It wasn’t just the food – it was knowing that people cared and the human connection of truly kind people. Many thanks to everyone at Lush Valley!” — Hot Meal program client

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